Hoover Dam a symbol of the modern West faces an epic water shortage #Water

#Water | The effects of drought and climate change are seen at Hoover Dam, which will soon hold the smallest amount of water since it was filled in the 1930s.
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Foundation Plants 21 Best Shrubs amp Perennials For The Front Of House
#Foundation | Foundation plants can make or break your home’s curb appeal. This list has 21 of the best shrubs and perennials for the front of your house.

5 Restaurants With Outdoor Seating To Get Dressed Up For That You Can Book Now
#Outdoor | Looking for somewhere to debut that new jacket? We’ve got you.

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Gluten Free
#GlutenFree | This Breakfast Yogurt Parfait is a quick and easy gluten free breakfast. With just 5 ingredients it can be a healthy way to start your day!

Spaghetti Stuffed Garlic Bread
#Spaghetti | This Spaghetti Stuffed Garlic Bread is such a fun dinner recipe. A new way to serve the boring classic spaghetti dish!


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