
Showing posts with the label Bacon

Bacon #Bacon

#Bacon | To celebrate the film Julie & Julia, starring Amy Adams as blogger Julie Powell and Meryl Streep as Julia Child, throw a cooking party featuring o... to Continue Reading...... New research sheds light on the neural response to reward in depression and social anxiety #Anxiety | A study recently published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience provides new details about the possible neurophysiological underpinnings of ... read more... Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus A day in my pouch #Surgery | A blog about weight loss surgery, gastric bypass, healthy recipes, bariatric food. read more... New Muppets Wes and Elijah teach kids about race #Kids | The father-son duo is part of Sesame Workshop’s Coming Together initiative, which provides families with the tools they need to build racial literacy and have open conversations with their kids. read more... Cleveland Hopkins airport reports busiest weekend in more than a year #Wee