83 Ideias de Bolo de Pascoa Para Escolher e Saborear #Pascoa

#Pascoa | Surpreenda familiares e amigos com um lindo e delicioso Bolo de Páscoa. Confira dicas e se inspire em diversos modelos de bolo de dar água na boca!
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Stanford study finds Apple Watch can accurately assess lsquo frailty rsquo using activity data
#Data | Stanford University has published the results of a new Apple Watch and iPhone study focused on functional mobility of cardiovascular disease patients. The data suggests that iPhone and Apple Watch can accurately asses “frailty,” both in-clinic and at home. As first spotted by MyHealthyApple, the study was funded by Apple and consisted of 110 Veterans […]
How Black Americans Used Portraits and Family Photos to Defy Stereotypes
#Family | Unstable. Criminal. Impoverished. Absentee fathers. Neglectful mothers. “A tangle of pathology,” as the Moynihan Report, a 1965 study on Black poverty,
Springtime is the right time to begin exploring healthy eating habits
#Eating | Dietitian and nutritionist Maya Feller joins "GMA" to explain the best foods to help us feel great for the season.
How To Turn A Metal Bed Frame Into An Upholstered Bed
#Bed | I had wanted to upgrade the bed in our spare room for quite some time. It was just a bare metal frame and I wanted something just a b...
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